Monday, February 24, 2025

New additions to ExploreUK!

 The following collections and items are now available on ExploreUK:

Cover of the annual publication of the University High School "The Purple and White", 1950, from the University High School records

Additions to The Kentuckian Monthly Magazine

Autobiography of Eld. Madison Campbell

Additions to the Kentucky Kernel

John W. Stevenson papers

Hilton family diaries; 1840-1904

Transylvania University Library. Collection on Kentucky University

Document titled "To the Friends and Patrons of Kentucky University" from the Transylvania University Library Collection on Kentucky University.

University of Kentucky Regulations - Complete Administrative and Governing Regulations   (1992-2009)

John Audubon papers

Description of the Kentucky Warbler in John Audubon's handwriting
                                         from the John Audubon papers

Additions to the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass newsletters

Address of the Rev. R. Davidson

Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Esther Minton letters


University Training School/University High School annuals, 1920-1965 and reunion publications

Thursday, November 7, 2024

New Digital Collections on ExploreUK!

 The following collections were recently added to ExploreUK. 

Lawrence E. Ashbrook The Kentucky Whittler photograph album 2019av007

Temple Adath Israel records (bulletins) 2017ms001 

Wade Hall Collection of American Letters - Women's travel diary 2009ms132.0454

Wade Hall Collection of American Letters - Clarence B. Randall travel diary 2009ms132.1161 

Wade Hall Collection of American Letters - Evelyn Hayden Bailey travel diary: 2009ms132.1050

Wade Hall Collection of American Letters - Shirley Gill Pettus travel diary 2009ms132.0655

Wade Hall Collection of American Letters - European travel diary 2009ms132.0656

Wade Hall Collection of American Letters - American Express World Cruise travel diary 2009ms132.0875

Index of engravings with the names of artists in the Sporting magazine from the year 1792 to 1870  NE960.3 .G7 B36 1892

Les Deux Anges Vol.1, 1833 PQ2256 F4 D480 1833 -vol 1

Les Deux Anges Vol.2, 1833 PQ2256 F4 D480 1833 -vol 2

Negro Business Director and Fair Souvenir: a miniature list of trades, businesses and professions among the Negroes of Lexington, Kentucky. F459.L6 N4560 1899

The Negro Population of Lexington in the Professions, Business, Education and Religion Rare Books E185.96 .B53

Annual Exhibition of the Colored A. & M. Fair; S555 .K45

An appeal to the justice of the intelligent and respectable people of Lexington.LD5351.T718 D73 1818

The Bourbon and Tobacco Gazette from 2018ua018

A big thanks to everyone who helped with this process from description to digitization to ingest to ExploreUK!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

New Collection Guides Available on EUK


These collection guides are now available on EUK! A big thanks to the many people who worked to make these collections available!


Helen Ware, Josephine Victor, Henrietta Metcalf, 1923, 

from the Henrietta Alice Metcalf Performing Arts Photographic Collection

African American History

John C. Davis notebook and photograph album

Self-Denial Savings Club minute book

Lexington Human Rights Commission records



Goff family papers

North American Industrial Hemp Council records

Bluegrass Organic and Consumer Association, Inc. records


Appalachian Collections

Goff family papers

South East Coal Company records

Henry Mayer papers

Ervin C. Perkins papers

Charles E. Lowther "Coal Miner's Diary, Summer, 1978" photocopy

Henry Harvey Fuson papers


Arts, Music, Printing

Quake zine collection

Arthur Graham Polyglot Press collection

Larkspur Press records

Kevin Dearinger "The Education of Madame Metcalf" manuscript

Lexington Lost Zine Collection

Mexican Board Game Collection



Clavia Goodman papers

Gwen Davenport papers

Quake zine collection

Lexington Lost Zine Collection

Henry Harvey Fuson papers



Bluegrass Organic and Consumer Association, Inc. records


General and Local History

Olivia Procter Benedict papers

Donald A. Clark research files on William Bull Nelson

Hugh Grundy family papers

Irvin family papers

Mary E. Van Meter diary


Politics and Public Policy Collections

Edward T. Breathitt speeches

Winfield Scott for President broadside

North American Industrial Hemp Council records

Michael C. Roberts collection on political campaign ephemera

Charles F. Riebe papers

Charles Sumner collection on Separation of Church and State

Lexington Human Rights Commission records

S. Sidney Ulmer correspondence



Muhlenberg, Kentucky glass plate negatives

Charles L. Waldack Mammoth Cave by Magnesium Light stereoviews



University of Kentucky. Athletics Department records

University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center. University Archives General Reference Athletic files

Minnie Sue Lane Durrum Stevens Nelson scrapbook



Dr. John M. Goodwin medical ledgers

Joseph Jefferson Slomer Papers

Charles L. Waldack Mammoth Cave by Magnesium Light stereoviews


University Archives

University of Kentucky Research Foundation (UKRF). Indonesia Project records

Howard Beers papers

University of Kentucky. Athletics Department records

University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center. University Archives General Reference Athletic files

University of Kentucky. College of Law Composite Class Photographs

Thomas Janoski Naturalization Research Data

University of Kentucky. Sarah Gibson Blanding Tower Residence Council scrapbooks and meeting minutes



Olivia Procter Benedict papers

Clavia Goodman papers

Gwen Davenport papers

Minnie Sue Lane Durrum Stevens Nelson scrapbook

Mary E. Van Meter diary



John C. Davis notebook and photograph album

Joseph Henry Kurre WWII diary and papers

Edward Ray Halker papers

Significant Additions to Existig Collections

University of Kentucky Athletic Association records

University of Kentucky Athletic Players files

University of Kentucky Athletic Publications Collection: General Publications

University of Kentucky Athletic Publications Collection: Football Publications

University of Kentucky Athletics Publications Collection: Basketball Publications

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Unity Breakfast programs and recordings

Barber Clark papers

University of Kentucky Athletic Coaches and Teams Photographs and Documents

Lucy Walby papers

A.B. "Happy" Chandler papers

Appalachian Regional Commission records

Bert T. Combs Collection

Monday, March 11, 2024

Logan English and the Woody Guthrie Songbag

Cover of LP record of Logan English Sings the Woody Guthrie Songbag 
in the English family papers, 87m33

This year marks the sixty-year anniversary of the release of Logan E. English’s most notable album, Logan English Sings the Woody Guthrie Songbag, as well as the fifty-year anniversary of his final album, Woody Guthrie’s Children’s Songs. In honor of this anniversary, we would like to highlight some of the pieces held in the English family papers, held at the Special Collections Research Center.

Logan Eberhardt English (1928-1983) was a folk singer, poet, actor, and playwright hailing from Bourbon County, Kentucky.  Like many folk singers of the time, English’s career was heavily influenced by famous singer-songwriter Woody Guthrie.  His album, Logan English Sings the Woody Guthrie Songbag, was one of the first albums recorded as a tribute to Woody Guthrie and led to English being acknowledged as a major interpreter of Guthrie’s work.  He released the album in 1964 to increase awareness of the legendary folk singer and honor him during his battle with Huntington’s, a fatal genetic disease which left Guthrie hospitalized for more than decade before he succumbed in 1967.

Sample of correspondence between Logan E. English and Majorie Mazia Guthrie

His friendship with Woody Guthrie had a profound impact on English.  Following Guthrie’s death, English maintained his relationship with Marjorie Mazia Guthrie, his ex-wife and caretaker, as she dedicated her life to helping others impacted by the disease.  English and Guthrie exchanged letters about the non-profit she founded in his honor, the Committee to Combat Huntington’s Disease, an
organization which would later become the world’s largest public nonprofit organization for the fatal genetic disease (now known as the Huntington’s Disease Society of America).
  Logan English contributed to the committee in its earliest years, meeting families of patients suffering from the disease and even playing some of Woody Guthrie’s songs at meetings as a tribute to his late friend.

Sample of correspondence between Logan E. English and Majorie Mazia Guthrie

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

New Additions to ExporeUK!

The following collections and items are now available on ExploreUK:

Oil and gas industry of Kentucky. Illustrated by a new map of the state. Presented to the faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Kentucky in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Mining Engineer.

Christmas in the Mountains

Christmas on the Creek of Caney

65m19 John Scott Lansill papers

Recueil de journaux, 1790-1802  (approximately 5000 bulletins published during the French Revolution)

Items digitized for the Sounding Spirit Digital Library Project.


Israelitisches Gebetbuch für den oeffentlichen Gottesdienst im ganzen Jahre

Work and worship : large and varied collection of hymns and tunes for Sunday-schools, prayer meetings, praise meetings, and all special occasions of Christian work and worship

Hymns for Sunday-Schools, Youth, and Children

Revival. no. 3 : songs for Sunday schools and special services, suitable for all kinds of religious meetings

Gospel hymns consolidated : embracing volumes no. 1, 2, 3 and 4, without duplicates, for use in gospel meetings and other religious services.

Notes of praise : a collection of choice original hymns and tunes, by our best composers, for the Sunday-school, devotional, and praise meetings, especially adapted to the International Sunday-school lessons

Alexander's Gospel songs. No. 2

Living songs : for the Sunday school, the Epworth League, prayer meetings, revivals and all special occasions of Christian work and worship

Male quartettes : sacred and secular : A choice collection of the most popular sacred and secular male quartettes

Monday, November 6, 2023

New Additions to ExploreUK!

Special Oil and Gas Edition Map of Kentucky, 1922

The following collections and items are now available on ExploreUK:

Ann Bailey family papers


Kentucky accession no. 505Special Oil and Gas Edition Map of Kentucky: An Original Compilation - 1922


Das Goldschnittmachen 


From the Ann Bailey family papers


Items digitized for the Sounding Spirit Digital Library Project.


Voice of praise, The : anew collection of beautiful and appropriate hymns, tunes and gospel songs forSunday-schools and gospel meetings

Hymns of praise, numbertwo : for the church and Sunday school

Songs of Zion : a collection of old and new songs for Sunday-Schools, prayer meetings, revivals and all other religious worship

Gospel songs : a choice collection of hymns and tunes, new and old, for gospel meetings, prayer meetings, Sunday schools, etc. 

Gospel Songs front cover

Sabbath school [bell] no.2 : a superior collection of choice tunes, newly arranged and composed, and alarge number of excellent hymns ... carefully and simply arranged as solos,duets, quartetts, semi-chorusses, and chorusses, and for piano or melodeon 

Star of Bethlehem, The : a collection of church-tunes, anthems, choruses and glees with rudiments and exercises for singing-schools

Songs of life and light : contains a superior collection of gospel songs and hymns for Sunday schools, evangelistic work, revival meetings, young peoples' societies, and all other services of the sanctuary

Christ in song : for allreligious services. Nearly one thousand best gospel hymns, new and old withresponsive scripture readings

Selected Sabbath-schoolhymns and songs, sacred and secular

Tabor, or, The Richmond collection of sacred music : designed for the various Christian churches and singing schools

Sacred harp : a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, odes, and anthems, selected from the most eminent authors, together with nearly one hundred pieces never before published, suited to most metres, and well adapted to churches of every denomination, singing schools, and private societies

American folk songs as sung by Williams' Jubilee Singers

Elmhurst hymnal : and orders of worship for the church school, young people's meetings and church services

Eureka sunlight glees, The : for use in singing schools, literary schools, conventions and musical societies ; containing an excellent and varied collection of sacred and secular songs

Dyer's psalmist : a collection of hymns and sacred songs for the use of Baptist churches

Tefilot bene Yeshurun le-Yom ha-Kipurim : ke-fi minhag Ameriḳa

Title page Twenty-four Negro melodies

Twenty-four Negro melodies: transcribed for the piano by S. Coleridge-Taylor

Hampton series negrofolk-songs