The Eugene Erwin and William Russell papers, 2009ms011
The Eugene Erwin and William Russell papers (dated 1824-1868, undated; 0.23 cubic feet; 1 box) primarily consist of letters written by, to, or about Eugene Erwin and William Russell regarding various topics including family news, California, Henry Clay, and the Civil War.
The Lizzie Hardin diary, M-181
The Lizzie Hardin diary (dated 1850-1860; 0.1 cubic feet; 1 reel) consists of a microfilm copy of a diary kept by Lizzie Hardin of Harrodsburg, Ky. during the Civil War. Though she began the diary in Virginia, it was written primarily during the time she lived in Harrodsburg. In the diary she describes a raid near Harrodsburg by John Hunt Morgan in 1862 as well as other war-related incidents. At the top of many pages are portraits of soldiers that have been cut out of another source and pasted in the diary.
Robert G. Wallis scrapbook, 46m7
The Robert G. Wallis scrapbook (dated 1900-1911; 0.24 cubic feet; 1 item) consists of a scrapbook entitled Our Martyred Governor, William Goebel.

WBLG Audio Tape Collection, 74av03
The WBLG Audio Tape Collection (7 cubic feet, 97 items in 14 boxes; dated 1954-1977) is comprised of ninety-seven 1/4" reel to reel audio tapes. These tapes contain broadcasts of U.K. sporting events, political talks from around the Commonwealth, and a bi-weekly summary of the news events in Kentucky covering 1968-1977.
Ernst Johnson student drawings, 2014ua050
14 drawings by Ernst Johnson, done as part of his architecture studies at Yale University, 1929-1935.
Harlin family letters, 2016ms059
The Harlin family letters (dated 1863-1881; 0.01 cubic feet; 4 items) consists of four letters written by members of the Harlin family concerning the Civil War in Kentucky and Tennessee as well as experiences in California.
Thomas Kubeck Vietnam War photographs, 2017av014
The Thomas Kubeck Vietnam War photographs (dated 1968-1970, 0.03 cubic feet; 54 items) comprises digital images of photographs taken by Thomas Kubeck during his military service during the Vietnam War from 1969-1970.

Pride Community Services Organization publications, 2016ms055
Newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986).
Minutes of the constitutional conventions of the district of Kentucky, 1788-1792
Henry Clay letters, 46m95
The Henry Clay papers (dated 1801-1843; 0.22 cubic feet; 1 boxes) comprise letters, a court report, and a print of Henry Clay. The bulk of the papers consist of letters from Henry Clay to Francis Taliaferro Brooke, a prominent political figure and Virginia Supreme Court judge from Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Governor Patton scrapbooks, 2017ms008
Digital images of 12 personal scrapbooks regarding the life of former Governor Paul Patton.
Mallevs maleficarvm
The Malleus Maleficarum, usually translated as the Hammer of Witches, is the best known and the most important treatise on witchcraft.

Bruce Ferguson scrapbook, M-133
The Bruce Ferguson scrapbook (dated 1900-1902; 0.1 cubic feet; 1 reel) was assembled by William Behringer and contains newspaper clippings about the assassination of William Goebel and subsequent political events. The clippings were mostly pulled from the Cincinnati Enquirer and Cincinnati Post and were pro-Goebel. The scrapbook also contains clippings about a Frankfort duel between Ethelbert Scott and Colonel D. G. Colson which left three dead, including Scott, and four wounded. The volume concludes with a number of engravings taken from a German language newspaper.
The Carolina Housewife
William Hayes coal mining scrapbooks, 2016ms029
The William Hayes coal mining scrapbooks (dated 1967-1997, 1.35 cubic feet, 2 boxes) consists of two scrapbooks of newspaper clippings created by William Hayes, a reclamation inspector, about coal mining in Kentucky.

Goebel family papers, M-121
The Goebel family papers (dated 1865-1942; 0.1 cubic feet; 2 reels) consist of a microfilm copy of William Goebel's letters to his brothers, Arthur and Justus.
Percy Haly scrapbook, M-137
The Percy Haly scrapbook (dated 1900-1937; 0.1 cubic feet; 1 reel) consists of a microfilm copy of the scrapbook, which contains newspaper clippings, photographs and other materials about Haly, his career, and his family.
University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures, 2014ua075
A collection of brochures (1975-2015) for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochures are part of the University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry records.
Madge E. Smith collection of Mary Ledford letters, 2015ms048
The Madge E. Smith collection of Mary Ledford letters (dated 1942-1973; 3.5 cubic feet; 10 boxes) consists of 18 bound volumes of letters from Mary Ledford to her son, Lee B. Ledford, Jr. discussing her daily life in Harlan County, Kentucky.
Louis Edward Nollau Railroad Glass Negative Collection, 81pa101
The Louis Edward Nollau Railroad Glass Negative Collection, ca. 1909-1917 consists of 2963 4x5 commercial dry glass negatives. The collection is a through documentation of the Southern Railway system in the early years of the 20th century. Major areas of focus include: rolling stock, right of ways, the re-construction of High Bridge, inspection trips, railroad personnel, railroad stations, towers, water tanks, storerooms, and workshops.

University of Kentucky. Department of Chemistry records, 2014ua075
The University of Kentucky Chemistry Department records (dated 1906-2014, bulk dates 1962-2014; 6.11 cubic feet; 4 record storage cartons, 4 document boxes, 1 slim document box, and 1 flat box) comprise reports, reviews, self-studies, photographs, brochures, name plates, and a scrapbook that document the faculty, students, and activities of the University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry during the mid-20th century to early 21st century.
University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry newsletters, 1975-2000, 2014ua066.001
Martha Bevins letters to Tom McCarthy, 2015ms086
Martha Bevins letters to Tom McCarthy (dated 1955-1962; 0.05 cubic feet; 55 items) consist of letters Bevins wrote to radio host Tom McCarthy, which he read aloud on his morning radio program broadcast from his farm in Ohio.
Julian M. Carroll audiotape speeches, 2016ms058
The Julian M. Carroll audiotape speeches (1976-1978, 0.18 cubic feet; 1 box) consists of audiocassettes of political and public event speeches given while Carroll was the Lieutenant Governor and Governor of Kentucky.